Monday, March 2, 2009

Can bovine burp slow global warming?

Burping cows and sheep are being targeted by U K scientists to help bring down Britain's soaring levels of greenhouse gas pollution. The grass that cows eat is hard to digest and broken down by bacteria in the animal's four stomachs. In the absence of oxygen, the bacteria turn it into methane.

Farmed ruminant animals are thought to be responsible for up to a quarter of man-made methane emissions worldwide though, contrary to common belief, most gas emerges from their front, not rear, ends. (*sigh..)

A study last year found that the average dairy cow belches out about 100 to 200 litres of methane each day. And suprisingly, researchers did not expect that a cow weighing 550kg could produce 800 to 1000 litres of emissions each day.. and imagine there is more than 55 million cattle worldwide.!! (oh nooo..!!!)

In conjuction to tackle methane emissions, Cadbury is encourage its cows to burp less to reduce the carbon footprint of its milk chocolate. The company is working with its 65 dairy farmers in Wiltshire to reduce the emissions of their animals.

Studies by Cadbury found that the production of one litre of milk produces the equivalent of 900g of CO2. More than half of this is down to methane. The everage cow emits between 80kg and 120kg of methane a year, equivalent to the annual carbon emissions from an average family car.

So Malaysian.., are you ready to strapped plastic tanks to the backs of cows in order to collect their belches..?? The answer is in your hand.. play a part and do your role.. If it is not now, WHEN? and if it is not you, WHO?


extra reading:

credit to:, timesonline

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